Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Voyages in Semiconductor - e's story

Hai everyone I am e back to tell the story of myself.....
After the formation of a barrier i.e... The PN junction the electrons and holes began to search for ways to contact their friends. Though there was a large attraction between the still free electrons and holes the aftereffects of meeting,i.e..the potential barrier prevented them from meeting. Thus began the search for new ways of meeting........

The application of pressure from p and n sides due to pushing of our friends for more space as happens in population explosion like the pressure in the region of war-zone during the diplomatic war status between the two countries like the increase in demand and prices of goods due to blocking of trade route by ottoman Turks leads to the thinning of PN junction just as the area near the border decreases due to employment of more soldiers in the border areas.
Similarly due to deposition of more electrons on N-side of the PN junction due to the sending of electrons from negative terminal of the battery. Similarly at p side the battery extracts all the electrons present in the region leaving behind a large concentration of positive ions or holes which also pushes the holes towards the barrier. This is the state of forward bias. As we gain energy from the battery we prepare to end this border rule i.e.we move towards the barrier in full force and hit it simultaneously. When we have sufficient energy the threshold breaks just like intervention of UNO during a war, just like the angry retort of hungry people. The current flow occurs in the following sequence..
  •         The flow of electrons from the battery.
  •          The flow of electrons in conduction band in n-region.
  •          Recombination of electrons and holes at the junction and conversion into valence electrons with release of energy.
  •          Travelling of electrons as valence electrons in p-region.
  •          Finally,move as conduction electrons into p side of battery.

Since during this process, due to flow of electrons as  conduction in n region and then recombines and move as valance electrons and similarly through p region to the battery, resistance offered to flow of electrons is very very low.
Thus the barrier is broken for now until another person attacks and occupies (until power from battery is present)…………………………….
On the other hand if there is a pull of majority charge carriers in each of the sides, the barrier width increases, just like the  gap between two persons increases with mutual hatred. In this case the battery does the work of pulling away the current carriers from the junction. Due to pull of electrons from positive side of battery and push of electrons from negative side, the junction gap increases and blocks the flow of current, this implies that the resistance of the PN junction increases. This is called reverse bias of a diode………….
But my counterparts (holes) who were stuck on N side and electrons blocked on P side though are in very less numbers can easily pass through the barrier as the paid customers of ottoman Turks or the monks who take no care about war. That is for minority carriers (the non-doped thermally produced electron hole pairs) the barrier does not matter. For this current the reverse bias acts as forward bias itself. This current is independent of external forces (other than temperature) just as monks are detached from worldly pleasures. This reverse current increases as temperature increases.
Thus diode or PN junction acts as a one way electronic component which provides many uses….  
In my next story let us know about my changes in the junction due to temperature and others and wonders we perform inside the junction………… 

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Semiconductor PN Junction - e's story

Science is a gift of nature 
So is  electronics.Electronics is study of behavior of electron inside materials like semiconductors.Let me take the honor of introducing you to its creator.
Hi, folks this is narrated directly by creator...  e

we electrons are creators of everything. We revolve around a mass as planets in which you live revolve around a energy source, we electrons are carriers of energy but due to our size our energy is limited but we together provide you the energy...
Now I the electron e am going to discuss the formation of a PN junction in a semiconductor.

I was a witness to the formation of a PN junction when my friends were  being removed and inserted by man with/without knowledge. Though we live in different forms in different positions like atoms of different metals, we live like people of India with unity in diversity. We electrons are the origin of conduction….Hence, we control conducting capacity of material.
The excess electrons present in n side due to doping of a semiconductor material with material having excess of us compared to semiconductor material get attracted towards the places of electron deficiency holes in p side due to doping of a semiconductor material with material having less no. of us compared to semiconductor material.
The attraction, between electrons and holes, is like meeting of two long lost friends but it turns out into a nasty war when they get near, a war in which the electrons and holes leave behind heir kith and kin and enter into the war field.

They gain success initially due to recombination of electrons and holes at the cost of losing others, they leave behind their parent atoms, which assume positive and negative charges at n and  p sides. These form an electric field which blocks the way for other electrons and holes to move, like the work of Ottoman Turks when they captured Constantinople. This war left a result like POK in Indo-Pak war, the electrons on n side and holes on other became distant.......

I will discuss the voyages of electrons for new routes and after effects of war in near future.